With the club, dedicated to expanding competitive avenues and reaching new communities, RizeGaming have opened a new Smite division for the Xbox One.
Manager David 'Shazam' Liggins (@RizeShazam) collaborated with Captain 'Kenshi' (@Rize_Kenshi) in compiling together a competitive lineup. Previously playing for Shockwave eSports, Kenshi met up with the Hunter 'Party' and Solo Laner 'Gh0st' (@Rize_Gh0sT) as suggested by Shazam. As Guardian 'Levi' then later joined, the team ran into difficulties securing a Jungler, and have recently decided to wait for the right opportunity to recruit before the start of the new Smite season.
Looking towards the future, the team and their manager hope to compete within UMG and MLG Online, with target a qualification to the first ever season of the Smite Xbox Pro League later this year, with ultimately the 2017 Smite World Championships hosted by Smite developers Hi-Rez Studios, the long term goal.