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Website Announcement
2016-01-30 18:04:25

Hello everybody, welcome to my first blog!

HULK GG and I have invested alot of time into bringing this website to you within a very reasonable time-scale. We hope that it is a massive improvement on the previous website and that the members and fans enjoy using it as much as we have enjoyed creating it. There are a tonne of new functionalities! Take your time and get used to the website and do not hesitate to post in the comments box if you are unsure about anything or want any questions answered. Also, please use the comment box in this blog to inform us about any bugs you have come across, your ideas or (appreciation). These bugs or ideas,however small, will help us plan for future maintainence and will allow us to collate a priority list over the coming week.


Creating this website has been an enjoyable and time-consuming experience, so improvements will be taken seriously and considered for the future.

There are some huge announcements that will be released around the same time as the website, so stay tuned and keep your ears peeled!


  It has been a pleasure... and a nightmate

by  HULK GG2016-01-29 00:39:32