SFV Beta Impressions
2016-01-30 23:50:58So I tried out some SFV earlier, after realising I had a code from OCTOBER last year haha. I spent a good three months being angry at not having it -.-
Anyway I gave it a whirl today on the PS4 and I have to say I was pretty shocked how different it is from Ultra. It's not an entirely different game don't get me wrong it's still street fighter, but it just felt a little bit more 3D than the last - in a subtle way. Kind of like if Tekken went onto a 2D plane. I'm nowhere near experience enough in the FGC to know what I'm talking about but there's definitely a different 'feel'.
I tried out R.Mika on the advice of Milligano given she's one of the more 50/50 type fighters that noobs like me can start with. I can only describe my style as 'arsing people to death' currently. I had some poor Ryu in the corner and I was slide kicking him, tagging in my bowl-cut team-mate to help bang our butt cheeks into his face.
Ken was the other one I tried out and even though he's different he's still the same to me, one of my long-standing favourite shoto characters, purely because of his easily recognisable combos, he now has very strong run pressure that sets him apart from Ryu.
I'm going to pop it back on later tonight and I'll let you all know how it goes!
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